Latest changes and news – July 2023

  1. Clowder War Awards for future events have been improved.
  2. New T-Shirts have been added to Meow.
    Some can be purchased from the game store, others can be found in chests and a few are limited and you’ll be able to unlock them through new features coming next month.
  3. Energy System: Nowadays there’s a hard limit on how many Forest runs you can do each day, and it resets once a day. Instead, to make it a bit more dynamic, I’m adding an energy system which refills automatically whether you’re online or not. Doing Forest Runs will cost energy. Out of energy? Just wait for it to refill and go again.
  4. Campaigns: A new feature is coming this summer – CAMPAIGNS. Go through a list of story quests to win big awards.

17 thoughts on “Latest changes and news – July 2023

    1. You see it when you open daily tasks. I think its like a story mode. And like Grumpy said, you can get some great rewards from it.

      Hope this helped! :3

  1. Campaigns: A new feature is coming this summer – CAMPAIGNS. Go through a list of story quests to win big awards :
    fall is in 2 days and still nothing !

  2. I got logged out and disconnected like 50 times I changed my Gmailand yet a note time time is happening to me.

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